Walk the Bear is a brand-new walking, talking therapy, inspired by the latest research into psychological health and well-being.
Exercise - Research indicates that physical activity produces changes in your brain that make you happier and more relaxed.
Fresh Air - Regular doses of fresh air help to boost your immune system, reduce stress, and maintain good overall health and well-being.
Beautiful Scenery - Trees, lakes and other natural and urban scenery inspire you to look beyond yourself to new ideas and opportunities.
How is Walk the Bear similar to traditional sitting-still therapy?
Our psychologists and counsellors provide specialized, personalized therapy to help you achieve change and greater balance in your life.
Walk the Bear provides a safe and confidential space for you to share and explore your challenges, and the support you need to rise to them.
What is different about Walk the Bear?
The uniqueness in Walk the Bear is that we provide therapy on the move, in beautiful places.
This means that beyond attention, guidance and support from a fully-qualified psychologist, your sessions include exercise, fresh air and beautiful scenery – three factors that are proven independently to reduce symptoms of stress and depression, and improve well-being.
See next - Who comes to Walk The Bear?
Find happy tracks near you!
We are currently operating in Copenhagen, London, Paris, Muscat and Monte Carlo. Find out whether we have a Walk the Bear track near you!